Public private-partnership as a prospective post-war recovery mechanism of Ukraine
state, public-private partnership, public administration, adaptation model, post-war recovery, Ukraine, PPPsAbstract
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are a modern tool for efficiently attracting private sector resources to solve socially important problems. In the context of Ukraine's post-war recovery, PPPs are gaining particular relevance as a mechanism for rapid and high-quality infrastructure reconstruction, investment attraction and economic growth. The article analyses the possibilities of using adapted public-private partnership models for the post-war reconstruction of the country, in particular in the areas of transport, energy, infrastructure and defence. Attention is paid to the global experience of PPP implementation, in particular in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and France, where such models have proven to be effective in restoring, maintaining and modernising infrastructure and ensuring sustainable development in general. The paper provides an overview of the current state of affairs in the development and implementation of public-private partnerships in Ukraine, highlighting the main advantages of PPPs for Ukraine, including optimisation of state budget expenditures, attraction of innovations and division of management functions between the public and private sectors. In addition, the key challenges are outlined, including the definition of a clear legislative framework, minimisation of corruption risks and the need to build trust between the parties to the partnership. Special emphasis is placed on developing recommendations for adapting international practices to Ukrainian realities. In particular, the mechanisms of long-term concessions, the creation of innovative financial instruments for PPP projects, and the role of national financial institutions in coordinating the efforts of the state and business are considered. It is shown that effective cooperation between the private and public sectors can become the foundation for restoring critical infrastructure and ensuring economic stability in a resource-limited environment.
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