The Regional and All-Ukrainian Media Coverage of Internet Memes of the Russian-Ukrainian War (On the Example of Memes About the “Warplane Fall” of the Russian Armed Forces)



political memes, war memes, media, regional media, all-Ukrainian media, Russian-Ukrainian war, “litakopad”, “warplane fall”, analysis, cultural context


The article deals with the study of the role and influence of the military-political Internet memes using the case of the coverage of the so-called “litakopad” (i.e. “warplane fall”) in the regional and all-Ukrainian media in December 2023 – February 2024. By analyzing the memes that appear in the media space, it was considered how the media at different levels cover the same memes and how they convey their meaning to the public. Special attention was paid to the comparative analysis of the use of military-political memes on the “warplane fall” in the regional and all-Ukrainian media. Media at different levels were found to cover these memes in similar ways, although the specific examples of memes they chose did not match. Some Internet jokes were modifications of previously created ones on a different topic. The hypothesis that memes on the same topic are covered differently in regional and all-Ukrainian media was rather not confirmed. Both resources do not use political advertising of specific politicians. Both in the all-Ukrainian and in the regional media in question, "airplane fall" memes are used to draw attention to the event. Online media have created their collections of such Internet jokes. They do not contain subtext, are quite clear, sarcastic, and mocking the Russian occupiers. However, the media does not describe the memes themselves and their meaning. This allows each person to perceive a joke independently at the level of their political awareness. Ukrainian Internet memes about the downing of Russian aircraft show a wide range of reactions and views in society, as well as the importance of humor and critical thinking in communication about war. Memes are turning into an increasingly influential means of expressing public opinion, and the media are becoming platforms that create their own collections, find relevant memes for current events, and distribute them impartially in the media.


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