Fixer: the Problem of Media Legal Regulation



full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, fixer, international journalism, information law


With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation, hundreds of foreign journalists, who needed the support of fixers, came to Ukraine. Without fixers, foreign media could not get the necessary information. But when journalists work in a war zone and their status is generally outlined in media law, the status of a fixer is not regulated in any way. The article reviews modern Ukrainian legislation and regulatory documents, as well as the works of modern researchers and analysts in order to define the profession of a fixer, as well as their status. It was found that there are no mentions of fixers in Ukrainian media legislation (it concerns the recently adopted Law of Ukraine «On Media», as well other laws «On Information», «On State Support of Media, Guarantees of Professional Activity and Social. Protection of Journalists»). Also, the profession or specialization of a fixer is not in the National Classifier of Professions. The only mention of fixers could be found in order No.73 of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhnyi. Possible synonyms for the word fixer, that can help in its definition, are also considered in the paper: producer, local producer, media manager. There were some arguments given for regulating the rights of fixers and journalists at the legislative level in Ukraine. In particular, for the protection of life and health. This will allow fixers to get insurance, access to certain locations. Copyright protection is a separate issue. Also, in the case of fixing the status of the fixer, the question of journalistic ethics will arise, which these specialists will be obliged to adhere to. Based on the studied materials, a recommendation is made to amend the Law of Ukraine «On Media». There are also signs of self-regulation of fixers, so this media niche is gradually structuring itself. It was found that communities and organizations have appeared in Ukraine, within which fixers cooperate and help each other. For example, the Odesa organization Fixers UA. However, the lack of legal status is a daily problem faced by Ukrainian fixers, so the next step should be their proper media legal institutionalization.


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