Foreign experience of digital transformation of local self-government



local self-government, digital transformation, artificial intelligence, public administration


The article examines the foreign experience of digital transformation of local self-government with the aim of identifying successful practices and the possibilities of their adaptation for Ukraine. The conducted research revealed the presence of objective prerequisites that determine the need for digital transformation of public management models. The analysis of international experience shows a significant variability of conceptual approaches, priorities and tools used by different countries to implement such a transformation. It has been established that digital transformation in the field of local self-government is one of the key areas of development of modern urban systems, which contributes to the improvement of municipal management efficiency indicators, including the quality of services, the efficiency of resource use, and the level of transparency. The experience of the countries of the European Union, in particular Germany, Estonia, Denmark and Great Britain, which are leaders in the implementation of digital solutions at the level of local communities, is analyzed. Examples of successful digitalization in the USA and Singapore are also considered. The article pays special attention to the concepts of smart city and e-government, which are the basis for the modernization of local self-government infrastructure. The role of innovative technologies, such as the Internet of Things (IOT), big data, artificial intelligence and blockchain, in ensuring effective management of city systems and involving citizens in the decision-making process was noted. Using the example of foreign cities, the impact of digital technologies on raising the standard of living of residents, improving the environmental situation, and reducing operating costs of local authorities is analyzed. Risks and challenges related to the digital transformation of local self-government were also considered, in particular the issues of cyber security, protection of personal data and the need to develop digital skills among the population. The key areas that may be useful for Ukraine when implementing similar solutions are summarized.


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