Manifestations of gender discrimination in advertising in the modern information space



gender discrimination, gender stereotypes, sexism, advertising, information space


The scientific article found that advertising is an important marketing communication for the promotion and sale of services and goods of various kinds. It can be broadcast through different areas of the information space. The most common forms of advertising are: newspapers, magazines, television, the Internet and outdoor advertising. The main goal of advertising is to inform and persuade consumers to purchase a relevant product or service. Therefore, in order to attract maximum attention to advertising, campaigns resort to the use of sexist techniques and gender stereotypes in relation to women of various ages. Today's society lives in a large-scale information space. At the same time, a person processes a large amount of different data, while some of the received information affects him at a subconscious level. One of the powerful tools of the information environment is advertising. Advertisements not only create positive images in certain spheres of activity, but also represent distortions of concepts and actions that negatively affect the outlook of society. One of the unresolved problems of the world community is the manifestation of discrimination and sexism in various social institutions. Examples of different categories of Ukrainian advertising are considered in order to highlight the presence of stereotypical images and sexist elements regarding women. The presented female images in the analyzed examples often have nothing to do with the advertised products. Sexism in advertising can take many forms, including: gender discrimination, gender stereotypes, sexualization of women. Advertising shapes gender norms and attitudes that influence how men and women are understood and valued in society. It should also be added that modern society has already begun to create advertisements that promote anti-sexism and non-discrimination against women. Advertising can both undermine and promote gender equality.


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